3 Disruptions to Start the Year Strong.

So one of the hardest things about new year resolutions is the first step; once we can take that first step, the next step falls into place. But it’s always that first step! Agree?
So here’s my #firststep, I’m committing to doing a #MicroLearning video each week; I believe that the way we learn has changed significantly. Gone are the days where people choose to read text books, journal, long articles or thick novels, evidently by the trending #TLDR (Too Long, Didn’t Read) acronym.

I also believe that we have to move from focusing on #PersonalDevelopment to focusing on #PersonalDisruption; we need new content, learning, techniques, models and tools to enable us to navigate this tumultuous times better. Therefore, my YouTube Microlearning Playlist will be focusing on Personal Disruption.

Let me know what you think about the 3 Disruptions to Start the year Strong; do you use any of the hacks before?

Have a luminous day ahead!