6 Professional Life Hacks That Changed My Life

6 Professional Life Hacks That Changed My Life

6 Professional Life Hacks That Changed My Life . https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJ4GidLRSkc&list=PLrcWQQvQJs1nLhW1FMOjl_o434tA7m-sl&index=8 6 Professional Life Hacks That Changed My Life. When I was a fresh graduate, I thought the key to success and high performance was through working hard and long hours. I listened to popular social media entrepreneurs when they said, “Move Fast & Break Things”….

4 Main Reasons Why You Should De-fibrillate Your Life Goals

4 Main Reasons Why You Should De-fibrillate Your Life Goals

4 Main Reasons Why You Should Defibrillate Your Life Goals. 4 Main Reasons To Defibrillate Your Life Goals. It’s Monday and you’re waiting for Friday; it’s 9.00am and you’re waiting for 5.00pm. There’s just so much to do and you feel like you’re chasing time.. all the time. You don’t have the luxury of doing…

3 Hacks To Motivate You Towards Behavioral Change

3 Hacks To Motivate You Towards Behavioral Change

3 Hacks To Motivate You Towards Behavioral Change https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fRa6rkGj34Q&t=8s 3 Hacks to Motivate You Towards Behavioral Change. Do you find yourself starting something new but you don’t follow through till the end? Are you motivated at the beginning, but that motivation dwindle to a trickle at the end? In this video, I talk about 3…